Detasemen 88, atau Delta 88, merupkan julukan bagi satuan pasukan khusus antiteror
yang sedang disiapkan oleh Polri. Direktur Antiteror pada Badan Reserse Kriminal Markas Besar Kepolisian Negara RI Brigadir
Jenderal (Pol) Pranowo menjelaskan, angka "88" diambil dari jumlah korban ledakan bom yang tewas terbanyak pada saat terjadi
bom di Bali. Pada peristiwa tersebut, sebanyak 88 warga negara Australia (satu negara) tewas.
Makna "88" berikutnya adalah, angka "88" tidak terputus dan terus menyambung. Ini artinya bahwa pekerjaan Detasemen 88
Antiteror ini terus berlangsung dan tidak kenal berhenti. Angka "88" juga menyerupai borgol yang maknanya polisi serius menangani
kasus ini.
Pasukan khusus ini dibiayai oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat (AS) melalui U.S.
State Department's Diplomatic Security Service dan dilatih langsung oleh CIA, FBI, dan U.S. Secret Service. Kebanyakan
staf pengajarnya adalah bekas anggota pasukan khusus AS. Pusat pelatihannya terletak di Megamendung, 50 kilometer selatan
kota Jakarta.
Detasemen 88 dirancang sebagai unit antiteroris yang memiliki kemampuan mengatasi
gangguan teroris mulai dari ancaman bom hingga penyanderaan. Unit khusus berkekuatan 400 personel ini diperkirakan akan efektif
beropersai pada tahun 2005. Mereka terdiri dari ahli investigasi, ahli bahan peledak (penjinak bom), dan unit pemukul yang
di dalamnya terdapat ahli penembak jitu.
Satuan pasukan khusus baru Polri ini dilengkapi
dengan persenjataan dan kendaraan tempur buatan Amerika, seperti Colt M-4 assault rifles (senapan serbu), Armalite
AR-10 sniper rifles (senapan tembak jitu), dan Remington 870 shotguns (pistol). Bahkan dikabarkan satuan
ini akan memiliki pesawat C-130 Hercules sendiri untuk meningkatkan mobilitasnya. Semua persenjataan yang diberikan, termasuk
materi latihan, diberitakan sama persis dengan apa yang dimiliki oleh satuan khusus antiteroris AS.
Further readings:,13673,501031124-543844,00.html
Detachment 88, or Delta 88, is a nickname given to the newly anti-terror special force unit formed
within Indonesian Police (Polri). According to Brig. Gen. Pranowo, the Indonesian Police Headquarter Anti-Terror Director,
the number '88' is taken from the largest number of casualties suffered by a country in the Bali bombings incidents. In that
incident, 88 Australians lost their lives.
The number '88' also has some other meanings. The number '8' represents continuity since this number
does not show the beginning and the end like other numbers. The number '8' also looks like police handcuffs. These two symbolic
explanation depict the mentality of Detachment 88 that is very seious to work continuously to solve the terrorism-related
This special unit is being funded by the US government through its State Department's Diplomatic
Security Service. The unit is currently being trained in Megamendung, 50 kilometers south of Jakarta, by CIA, FBI, and US
Secret Service. Most of these instructors were ex-US special forces personnels.
Detachment 88 is designed to become an anti-terrorist unit that is capable to counter various terrorists'
threats, from bomb threats to hostage situations. This 400-personnels strong special force is expected to be fully operative
in 2005. They consist of investigators, explosive experts, and attack unit that includes snipers.
Detachment 88 is equipped with US weaponry and assault vehicles, such as Colt M-4 assault rifles,
Armalite AR-10 sniper rifles, and Remington 870 shotguns. It is reported, although has not been confirmed yet, that this unit
will have its own C-130 Hercules military transport airplane to increase its mobility. All the equipments, including their
training materials, reportedly are exactly the same as those of US anti-terrorist units.